feels very nostalgic now, I must have seen this vid like 4 times now.....still pretty good!
feels very nostalgic now, I must have seen this vid like 4 times now.....still pretty good!
Hahaha thanks for watching it that many times Gabo!!
Goddammit Corey! Are you gonna be in every single ng collab from now until your deathbed? Leave something for the rest of us pleaseeeeeee
Also I literally cum at the deliciously animated megas xlr segment, I was hyped, poging and singing the intro at the top of my lungs at 4 in the morning, it gave a big serotonin boost to start my morning just right :3
Pd: also arzonaughty boi at it back at it again 🥴👀💦💦💦💦💦
Hey, it's not my fault my voice gets passed around like a Thanksgiving turkey! XD
I don't think I did much lol. All frootlupin
This is so slickkkkk as per usual you killed it. 👌
FWI Everything in the audio portal is fair game to use for videos. I love going there daily to see what kind of sick tunes I can find to use for videos and maybe even collab with them.
Thanks man! I'll haveta look tru there n see what i can find 🙏🙏🙏
Only a psychopath would main lucas in smash bros, I’m reporting you to the federal authorities.
I bought min min last week so I was trying her out too :0
That ever so slight bit of camera jiggle when he pulls out the gun really sells the intensity of the scene
Jiggle physics are more important than any other aspect of 3D animation
It’s never too late to be inspired by classic videos and make something genius wanda my boy!
bless thy funnie crew of newgrounds couch buddies. :3
who is wandaboy
I agree with the guy below 100%
thank you for this wonderful constructive criticism, I can now pay my bills with exposure now
Sexy n Silky Smooth Animated :3
Biden didn´t rule for chaos...
biden is apart of matra he wants the strong to survive
The sound when he shoots down the arrows make my ears want to cum out of pleasure, i could listen to that for hours.
I'll have to get the rating changed then
I like to draw :3
Joined on 1/24/19