this looks a mortadelo & filemon comic cover, it has very pleasant paper drawn look
this looks a mortadelo & filemon comic cover, it has very pleasant paper drawn look
It looks bery bery prety, although the airbrush for the snowy particles looks good at the bottom the ones surrounding the characters silhouette look a bit too girthy (specially in santa's chair), I would have probably make the airbrush thinner and lower the transparency as I went up using it.
gosh its been 2 years since this??? Hope you doing well, I'll keep waiting for the update with hard cock in hand.
That....That's just loli rosalina....
Oh my lord, look at those beautiful THICK lines <3
Paulsego would love this drawing
how much do I have to pay you for you to draw this guy fisting me?
looks like an old ms dos game, very pretty :3
is that little thing on the corner karl jobs legal signature? xd
the OG garp
I like to draw :3
Joined on 1/24/19